Read more: Everyone is using WhatsApp wrong Stop saving WhatsApp photos to your phoneīy default, on both Android and iOS, WhatsApp will automatically download and save images to your phone. You can “free up space” by selecting the option on screen and deciding which categories of data to get rid of from the chat. Tap on a person or group and you’ll see how many messages, contacts, photos, locations, gifs, videos, documents and audio messages are stored. This page shows a list of your conversations and how much storage each of them was using. In WhatsApp, navigate to ‘Settings’ (found in the menu represented by three dots in the top right of WhatsApp), then ‘Storage and data’, and finally ‘Manage storage’. Storage management may not be the most glamorous task, but it could help to improve your phone’s performance pretty quickly. WhatsApp has introduced some new storage management tools to help you take back control. Some of your longest running and most active WhatsApp chats most likely take up a sizeable chunk of your device’s storage. Clear everything outįirst, you want to start with a clear-out. An updated version of WhatsApp now gives you more control over what media is stored on your phone. These are stored on your phone, but can also be saved to your camera roll. WhatsApp automatically downloads new photos and videos that are sent to you.